Expanding the distribution and sales channels | Ramax

Expanding the distribution and sales channels

Expanding the distribution and sales channels

The traditional web and telephone-based sales fail to provide as much profit as before, so new marketing distribution channels are required in order to attract and retain customers. These include social networks, aggregator websites selling various services where a user can choose goods provided by various companies, corporate sites of companies with modified and new services, e.g., chatbots which recognize requests and promptly process them with high quality.

The development of sales channels and going global is also an important task of many powerful market players with a wide range of services they provide, including the management of distribution channels and analysis of sales channels.

Since the local distribution of users is not limited by a city or country, a company’s presence should be provided everywhere.

RAMAX Group offers such opportunities. A well-designed structure of sales channels and complex solutions for increasing a company’s profits, enhancing customers’ loyalty and provision of service availability and possibility to use them anywhere in the world highly increase companies’ competitive performance and boost the number of customer’s loyal clients.

  • Expansion of sales
  • Management of sales channels
  • Management of marketing campaigns
  • Segmentation of customers and provision of new services
Completed projects
  • Implementation of a project for distribution of aviation services based on NDC standards

    History of success

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