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TAdviser Analytical Center has released a new ranking of the 100 largest companies in the Russian IT market, along with a secondary list of 100 potential future top-100 companies. Additionally, the analysts provided their assessment of the market size and income trends for various categories of companies.


During the TAdviser SUMMIT 2024 conference held on May 28, the TAdviser IT Prize awards ceremony took place. These awards aim to highlight significant projects and individuals contributing to the advancement of digitalization in the state and the Russian IT industry. Winners were selected in 12 categories. The Norilsk Nickel project completed in collaboration with RAMAX Group in 2023, received an award in the category "BI Platform in Metallurgy: Project of the Year."


The latest TAdviser ranking showcases 65 IT companies, collectively generating 195 billion rubles in revenue from banking projects in 2022.


TAdviser Analytical Center has released a new ranking of the 100 largest companies in the Russian IT market, along with a secondary list of 100 potential future top-100 companies. Additionally, the analysts provided their assessment of the market size and income trends for various categories of companies.


The new TAdviser rating included 50 companies based on their revenue from IT project implementations in retail. Collectively, these companies earned over 46 billion rubles in this sector in 2022.

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